Brandon Milostan

Fax 310-201-2350


June 3, 2024Article Swimming with the Stream
Entertainment attorneys Brandon Milostan and Graham Fenton authored "Swimming with the Stream" in  Los Angeles...
Los Angeles Lawyer
May 1, 2019Article Bye Bye Back End, Hello Streaming
The meteoric rise of Netflix has completely reshaped content production, distribution, and consumption in Hollywood...
Los Angeles Lawyer
August 8, 2018 Starbucks Case Gives Employers a Jolt
Supreme Court Rejection of De Minimis Doctrine May Significantly Impact Employers Who Require Employees to...
January 24, 2018Article What to know while DACA is in flux
The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program granted temporary deportation protection and renewable two-year employment...
Los Angeles Daily Journal