Craig S. Coan

Fax 310-201-2374

Real Estate Issues in the Time of COVID-19

July 14, 2020 at 10:00am11:00am (PST)
Virtual Event

Developers, investors, and landlords in the real estate sector have experienced considerable turbulence in recent months with new real estate regulations being issued amidst the continuing fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.

Join our experienced and dedicated real estate and tax attorneys as they help bring a sense of order to the chaos while providing updates on the following topics:

• Section 1031 Extensions, Qualified Opportunity Zone Extensions, and IRS’ Definition of Real Estate Under Section 1031
• Impact on Real Estate Financing
• Impact on Commercial Leasing, including Latest Updates on Eviction Moratoria
• Current Federal and California Reopening Regulations/Recommendations Pertaining to Landlords


• Brian Kang, Moderator
• Warren J. “Skip” Kessler, Panelist
• Steven J. Lurie, Panelist
• Craig S. Coan, Panelist
• Michael Wiener, Panelist
• Amy Rice, Panelist

This will be a 60-minute Zoom meeting, where attendees will have the option to share video. All attendees will be muted and can submit questions when registering or during the meeting using the chat feature.