Busi­ness Fun­da­men­tals: Account­ing and Finance for Non­prof­its

February 6, 2025 at 9:30am11:00am (MST)
Teton Coun­ty Library, Ord­way Auditorium

125 Virginian Lane
Jackson, WY 83001

Andrew Apfelberg, Greenberg Glusker Corporate Partner, will be moderating the panel "Business Fundamentals: Accounting and Finance for Nonprofits" as part of a 3-part speaker series for nonprofits hosted by the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole. The panel discussion will cover: 

  • Basic account­ing prin­ci­ples and best practices
  • Best prac­tices for recordkeeping
  • Sug­ges­tions to get the most out of your rela­tion­ship with your accoun­tant and your bank

Andrew Apfelberg is a corporate and finance attorney for middle-market companies throughout the United States. Andrew often acts as outside general counsel to his clients, providing advice on a business’ significant transactions whether it’s a merger or acquisition, private equity or other financing, joint venture or licensing deal. He has a considerable depth of experience in the branded consumer products and manufacturing & distribution industries as well as representing high-net-worth individuals and their family offices.

Andrew is active in the community and sits on numerous philanthropic and private company boards of directors. He co-founded a 501(c)(3) organization called the Change 4 Children’s Foundation to raise money for child life services initiatives at children’s hospitals across the United States. He is the President of the Dorothy W. Gach Charitable Foundation, on the Board of the Wyoming Soccer Association, and a founding member of the At-Large Development Council for US Soccer.
