Details for Braving the New Industrial Stormwater Regulations

October 30, 2014 at 11:00am2:00pm (PST)
Long Beach Marriot

4700 Airport Plaza Drive

Long Beach, CA 90815

Prominent Speakers and Moderator include:

Garret Williams, CPSWQ, QSD/P - E2 ManageTech  

Noah Perch-Ahearn, Attorney, Glaser Weil's Environmental and Energy Practice

Ejigu Solomon, LA Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 Program Manager

Join us to learn:
• 2015 Storm Water Regulations and the IGP
• If your operations/facilities require an IGP by taking E2 ManageTech's screening assessment
• Risk Management and Compliance strategies to minimize impacts from the IGP
• Perspectives from Regulators, Attorneys, Public Activists, and Environmental Consultants
