ICSC Monterey | Need for Speed: Planning and Communicating Through Delays to Keep Lease Deals Alive to Opening
Real estate partner, Barry Edwards, is slated to speak on the, "Planning and Communicating Through Delays to Keep Lease Deals Alive to Opening," panel at ICSC Monterey at 3:00 p.m. on February 28, 2023.
The panel will discuss the current realities and best practices for establishing a shared understanding between all parties of the challenges and ways forward. They will also discuss what can be done by applicants to help expedite approvals, what some jurisdictions are already doing to improve the process, and what else the public sector might do in the future to improve the retail business environment in their communities.
Barry has more than 35 years of real estate transaction experience (including more than 25 years of retail leasing experience) and has become a trusted advisor for shopping center developers and owners primarily throughout California, Arizona and Nevada.