International Perspective on Privacy Protections for UHNWIs

May 4, 2023 at 2:00pm3:00pm (PST)
Surf & Sand Resort

Laguna Beach, CA

Laura Zwicker, Chair of Greenberg Glusker's Private Client Services practice, is slated to speak on the "International Perspective on Privacy Protections for UHNWIs" panel at the 15th Annual STEP International Tax & Estate Planning Forum scheduled from May 4-5, 2023, in Laguna Beach, CA. This panel will take place on May 4th from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

The STEP International Tax & Estate Planning Forum is presented by leading national and international speakers. Sessions will focus on key issues for your practice today. This conference includes broad ranging topics plus more focused topics from our specialist panels. There will also be networking opportunities such as networking breaks, lunches and an evening cocktail reception.
