Category: Preferences

When Contracts and Bankruptcy Collide, a Short Term May Be Better in the Long Term
As we learned during the downturn in 2008, the economic climate can change rapidly. When things are going well, many businesses forget the lessons of the past. No matter what industry your business is in, there may be occasions when you are asked to enter into a relatively long-term...

Beware of the ABL Trap: The Challenges of Retail Chapter 11 Debtors and Asset Based Lending
An asset-based loan (“ABL”) is often the financing of choice for retail borrowers – and for good reason. In its simplest form, an ABL is a credit facility, usually in the form of a revolving line of credit, the availability of which is based exclusively on the value of...

$5.9 Million in Payments to Golf Channel Declared Out of Bounds
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued a decision that should make defendants in Ponzi cases shiver in their boots. The court said that the defendant, the Golf Channel, had to return nearly $6 million and that it could not take advantage of a commonly-invoked “reasonably equivalent value&rdquo...