Greenberg Glusker Attorneys Represent Allison Huynh in a Divorce with a Silicon Valley Billionaire

August 23, 2021Media Mention

Greenberg Glusker attorneys Pierce O'Donnell, Elisabeth Moriarty, Julia Haye, Priya Sopori, and Steve Stein, are representing Allison Huynh in a divorce proceeding against her ex-husband and Silicon Valley Billionaire, Scott Hassan, who is best known as the unofficial third founder of Google and originator of the code that powers the search giant.

The divorce proceedings between the two have been pending for almost seven years. Huynh is asking for her share of money generated during the marriage, while Hassan  believes that "the disputed assets are properly characterized as [his] separate property.” 

The trial begins today. 


“In 2018, the [couple’s] estate was valued at $1.8 billion and [Hassan] wanted to give her a minuscule fraction,” Huynh’s attorney Pierce O’Donnell claimed in a statement to The Post.

“His court position is that she gets nothing: Zero, zip, nada. Every settlement conference, he’s reduced his offer. I haven’t seen that in my 45-year-long career. He’s trying to pull off the ultimate dirty trick on his wife and three teenage children.”

“The law entitles her to child and spousal support. We are talking about her rightful share of the property. The bottom line is that Scott wants them to get nothing — including the family house. Before he left, there was a trust-fund for the kids for $20 million. He reduced it to $500,000, in total, for all three kids. It doesn’t pay for college.”
