Greenberg Glusker Represents Technical Training Foundation in lawsuit against Sutter Health and California Pacific Medical Center Over Failure to Support Liver Research Repository

May 15, 2023Press Release

Greenberg Glusker is representing The Ibrahim El-Hefni Technical Training Foundation, which funded creation of the Ibrahim El-Hefni Liver Biorepository (IELB), in a lawsuit filed in San Francisco Superior Court against Sutter Health/California Pacific Medical Center.

The lawsuit seeks to ensure that the healthcare company continues to house and begins to fully support the biorepository or allows it to move to a specialty facility at the University of California San Francisco, which has enthusiastically agreed to accept and fully support the world-renowned program. It is the only one of its kind and a significant hub for medical research, having received national acclaim, particularly for its astounding work in helping create a vaccine for Hepatitis C.

“The biorepository helps save lives by advancing the cause of liver-disease research,’’ said Pierce O’Donnell, the attorney representing the foundation. “We are at a loss as to why Sutter Health/CPMC appear to be giving up on the biorepository.’’

Attorneys Fred Fenster and Taryn Jacobson join O'Donnell on the legal team. 
