How the NO FAKES Act is a Bipartisan Challenge To AI

August 22, 2024Article
No Film School

Litigation partner Doug Mirell authored an article, titled "How the NO FAKES Act is a Bipartisan Challenge To AI," published by No Film School.


It is an extraordinarily rare day when Democrats and Republicans in the United State Senate can agree upon anything. But July 31, 2024 was just such a day.

On that date, two Democrats (Chris Coons, Delaware and Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota) joined two Republicans (Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee and Thom Tillis, North Carolina) to introduce the Nurture Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Entertainment Safe Act of 2024 (known colloquially as the “NO FAKES Act”)—a measure designed to protect the voice and visual likeness of all individuals from unauthorized AI-generated recreations.

Beginning in October 2023, these four Senators and their staffs spent countless hours working with numerous stakeholders to craft legislation that seeks to prevent individuals and companies from producing unauthorized digital replicas, while simultaneously holding social media and other sites liable for hosting such replicas if those platforms fail to remove or disable that content in a timely manner.

Read the full article here.
