Your 2015 goal: Understanding how COPPA could ruin your day
February 17, 2015 – ArticleIt’s the middle of February, which is a time when many people remember the New Year’s resolutions they made in a haze of Seacrest and champagne and realize that they’ve already subconsciously given up on them without even trying. I mean, really, what was the point of making my annual “spend more time outside” resolution when I knew I had to defeat the increasingly untamed Phogoth for the 17th time so that I could upgrade my Exotic weapons so it would be easier to beat him for the 18th time? (Damn you, Destiny)
While most New Year’s resolutions are better left unmade to begin with, app and game developers almost certainly overlooked one resolution that they all should have made for 2015: to finally get serious about complying with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
Many companies don’t know that an amendment to COPPA was put in place in July 2013 that made tweaks that are especially applicable to mobile developers. While the FTC has given everyone some time to figure it out, it looks like the commission is getting more and more serious about ensuring that companies, and app/game developers in particular, are in compliance.
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