Sally C. James

Fax 310-201-4459

Selling Your S-corporation? The Ups and Downs of Utilizing an F-reorganization

January 27, 2023 at 10:00am11:00am (PST)
Virtual via Zoom Webinar

This webinar will go into detail about the advantages and disadvantages of using an F-reorganization as a tax strategy when selling your S-Corporation and will discuss the following topics:

  • What is an F-reorg for S-corp?
  • Alternatives to F-reorg
  • Why do people use an F-reorg
  • Issues with an F-reorg
  • Tax Aspects of an F-reorg
  • Corporate Drafting and associated issues
  • Interplay of R&W insurance
  • Clean up
  • Messing up F-reorg and fixing it

This program is approved for 1 hour of general California MCLE credit.