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Arizona Tribe First to Adopt International Green Building Code

As our regular readers know, we have been closely following California’s efforts toward mandating green building requirements both state-wide (through CalGreen) and locally.

In a sure sign that green building is here to stay, the Kayenta Township, a political subdivision of the Navajo Nation located in Arizona, recently became the first tribal community in the United States to adopt the International Green Construction Code (IGCC).

Launched in 2009 by the International Code Council, the IGCC addresses green building design for new and existing construction projects. To implement these new measures, the Kayenta Township will be working closely with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Sustainable Communities. According to EPA, the Kayenta Township adopted the green building code with specific requirements related to protecting greenfields, conservation areas, and agricultural land. EPA commended the Kayenta Township for “forging a path for sustainable development.”

Categories: Green Building