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Greenberg Glusker Named A 2010 Climate Action Leader By Climate Action Reserve

One of a Few Law Firms Earning Distinction

For the third year in a row, the Climate Action Reserve, and its affiliated California Climate Action Registry, has awarded Greenberg Glusker the recognition of “Climate Action Leader.” The leadership status, the standard used in the state’s public reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, shores up the Firm’s long-term commitment to sustainability best practices and environmental responsibility. Greenberg Glusker is one of only a handful of law firms in California to be named a Climate Action Leader by the Registry.

Greenberg Glusker maintains a Green Committee that fosters Firm-wide, eco-friendly practices. The committee has implemented such environmentally-aware measures as recycling, paperless workflows, elimination of disposable kitchenware and alternative transportation benefits for employees. One of only a few law firm members of the United States Green Building Council, the Firm has also instituted such office changes as smart-sizing its footprint, increased efficiency in space usage, and the use of recyclable and environmentally friendly materials.

In addition, the Firm recently launched “GREENberg bLAWg,” a blog that provides analysis and commentary connecting developments in the law and the environment. “I am proud of our commitment to sustainability,” said environmental attorney David E. Cranston, who chairs the Firm’s Climate Change & Sustainability Practice Group. “Our continued recognition as a Climate Action Leader is an important part of sharing our clients’ experiences in environmental accountability.”

“We consistently demonstrate that law firms can make a real and continued contributions to environmental action,” said environmental attorney Sedina L. Banks. Banks is a member of the Firm’s Green Committee, spearheads the Firm’s California Climate Action Registry initiative, and is the editor and a frequent contributor to the“GREENberg bLAWg.”

Greenberg Glusker has a particularly robust team of environmental attorneys. Their experience encompasses the diverse range of environmental law including Environmental Litigation, Air Quality, Brownfields, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Clean Technology, Climate Change, Carbon Trading, Environmental Insurance, Green Building, Water Quality, Real Estate Due Diligence and Risk Management and Regulatory Compliance and Counseling.

Categories: Climate Change, Greenberg Glusker