Tax attorneys Zack Nolan and Daniel Cousineau authored, "Tax Sections of Stock Agreements Are Pivotal in...
Bloomberg Tax
Los Angeles, CA — Greenberg Glusker LLP, a leading law firm in mergers and acquisitions...
Greenberg Glusker Press Release
Tax attorneys Zack Nolan, Skip Kessler, and Daniel Cousineau authored, "IRS Offers a Silver Lining for...
Bloomberg Law
Zack Nolan, Corporate & Tax attorney, authored, "Qualified Small Business Stock Rules Deserve Big IRS Attention"...
Bloomberg Tax
Greenberg Glusker LLP was featured in Above the Law for its commitment to creating a...
Above the Law
In November 2022, Measure ULA, commonly known as the "Mansion Tax," was passed into law...
Greenberg Glusker Client Alert
Zack Nolan and Michelle Mabugat published the article, "Cannabis Companies Can Save Millions With One Tax...
Bloomberg Tax
Zack Nolan, Sally James, and Michael Wiener published the article "Knowing When a ‘Wet Signature’ Is...
Bloomberg Tax
As a result of the severe winter storms, flooding and mud slides that began in...
Greenberg Glusker Client Alert
Greenberg Glusker represented Watt Ventures, Inc., one of the largest developers, owners, and managers of...
Greenberg Glusker Deal Announcement
Zack Nolan, Alexa Steinberg, and Sally James published the article "Mastering the Mailbox Rule So...
Bloomberg Tax
As a result of the severe winter storms, flooding and mud slides that began in...
Greenberg Glusker Client Alert
Corporate & Tax attorneys Zachary M. Nolan, Michael Wiener, and Warren "Skip" Kessler published "F Reorganizations...
Tax Notes Federal
Are your shareholders leaving money on the table? Certain tax planning strategies, much like magic...
In IRS Notice 2020-75, the IRS invited the states to circumvent the $10,000 limit on...
Greenberg Glusker Client Alert