California’s Talent Agencies Act: A Primer for Agents, Managers, Attorneys, and Others Who Work with Talent

January 28, 2021 at 10:00am11:00am (PST)

Talent agents, managers, and entertainment attorneys often have questions about California's Talent Agencies Act. Questions that will be answered during this presentation include:

  • Do I need to be licensed as an agent?
  • What’s the difference between an agent and a manager?
  • Are influencers governed by the TAA? 
  • When does someone who is not licensed as an agent step over the line?

If you represent or work with actors, content creators, musicians, or other artists, join us for a complimentary webinar discussing the rules, exceptions, and consequences of the TAA, including the latest case law governing this area.

This program has been approved for 1 hour of general California MCLE credit.