Emergency Regulations Issued Banning Intoxicating CBD and Hemp Products in California: Enforcement and Legal Challenges
On September 23, 2024, new emergency regulations went into effect in California impacting hemp and CBD products. With enforcement led by multiple state agencies (namely The Department of Public Health, Department of Cannabis Control, Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), and the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration) these emergency...

Cannabis Reclassification: Timeline and Impact
The federal government has started to reclassify cannabis. When, and if, that reclassification is finalized, licensed cannabis businesses should see dramatically higher after-tax income and access to services from credit card companies and other financial institutions. The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (“ DEA ”) has initiated the process...

Roundup of New Cannabis Laws in California
In a step towards shaping California's cannabis landscape, Governor Gavin Newsom took action on a series of bills related to the industry. His decisions, encompassing both approvals and vetoes, reflect the evolving regulatory framework within the cannabis sector. Cannabis Bills Signed Into Law: SB 700 : Prohibits employers from questioning...

Michelle Mabugat and Alexa Steinberg Discuss the Business of Cannabis in L.A. Times B2B Publishing
Cannabis attorneys Michelle Mabugat and Alexa Steinberg share insights regarding the latest developments within the business of cannabis. Q: Are cannabis sales still climbing? Michelle Mabugat, Counsel, Greenberg Glusker LLP: No. Legal sales in California are on a declining trend, hitting their lowest quarterly point since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The...

Labor Peace Agreements (LPAs): Critical Considerations In Negotiating Your First Dealings With Unions
Episode 25Greenberg Glusker’s Dan Stone joins Alexa Steinberg to discuss essential points to consider – and pitfalls to avoid – in any cannabis venture’s first dealings with labor unions. Unionization ultimately depends on employees’ desire to join, but an LPA can set the tone for your interactions with the unions...

California's Debt Bubble Threatens the Viability of Cannabis Retailers
The cannabis industry in California is facing a severe financial crisis, with debt problems potentially leading to the closure of hundreds of shops across the state. This article explores the factors contributing to the crisis, including the state's tax payment change, over-regulation, and high compliance fees, and highlights the...

Cannabis Companies are Taking a Hit in Court
Those who entered into California’s cannabis industry expecting to reap surging profits may find the current business landscape ripe for only one thing: litigation. Some are fighting off unhappy investors and business partners no longer “high” on their agreements; others have come to realize (sometimes belatedly) that they need...

RICO claim dismissal pushes cannabis cultivators off the tightrope
Those in the cannabis business walk a tightrope in California. Businesses must stay balanced entirely on state law. Any misstep into federal interstate commerce risks criminal jeopardy. But if a business does walk that line, pay its taxes, and obtain its licenses, which protections of federal laws can it...

Five Years of Legal Recreational Cannabis in California: Are Smoother Roads Ahead?
Episode 24We recently passed the five-year anniversary of recreational cannabis being legal in California. But the industry isn’t exactly popping the (CBD-infused) champagne. There are a lot of lessons to be learned from California’s roll out of legal pot. Join Greenberg Glusker attorneys Steve Stein and Michelle Mabugat as they...

6 Years Post Cannabis Legalization In California, What Have We Learned?
We recently passed the six-year anniversary of voters legalizing recreational cannabis in California. But cannabis businesses in the Golden State aren’t exactly popping the (CBD-infused) champagne. What some thought would be a “green rush” has turned out to be more of a slog. Many cannabis businesses are struggling to...

(C)CRE: An Intro To Cannabis Commercial Real Estate
Episode 23On September 20, 2022, Greenberg Glusker’s Michelle Mabugat moderated “Entering The Cannabis Industry: Licensing, Regulatory Policy & Getting Projects Off of the Ground,” part of BISNOW’s California Cannabis CRE Conference. The panel, which included Michelle Garakian (Interim Exec. Director, City of LA Dept. of Cannabis Regulation), delves into topics...

Have Employer Drug Tests Gone Up in Smoke?
Episode 22Greenberg Glusker Employment Partner Karina Sterman joins Priya Sopori, Steve Stein and Michelle Mabugat to discuss new legislation enacted in California, AB 2188, which affects the ability of employers to discharge or refuse to hire employees based on their off-duty use of cannabis. While the law does not take...

Cannabis and Bankruptcy Laws
Episode 21Greenberg Glusker bankruptcy and financial restructuring partner Keith Banner joins his colleagues Alexa Steinberg and Steve Stein for a look at the intersection of cannabis and bankruptcy law. Can cannabis companies obtain protections under bankruptcy law? If not, why? What alternatives do cannabis companies have to filing for bankruptcy? And what might...

A Changed Legal Landscape? Analyzing California’s New Cannabis Laws
Episode 20California Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed a slew of laws that could reshape California’s cannabis industry. In the first of a series of episodes analyzing these laws, Greenberg Glusker attorneys Priya Sopori, Steve Stein, and Michelle Mabugat provide an overview of what Governor Newsom signed and how it will impact...

The Impact of the Wrigley Lawsuit on Cannabis IP Rights
Episode 19Greenberg Glusker intellectual property lawyer Elizabeth (Liz) Sbardellati joins cannabis practice colleagues Michelle Mabugat, Priya Sopori and Alexa Steinberg to chew over a landmark case in intellectual property law in this edition of “The Grass is Always Greenberg.” Liz examines the recent federal trademark infringement lawsuit concerning famed candy...

Cannabis Group Co-Chair, Priya Sopori, Featured in L.A. Times Business of Cannabis Roundtable
The cannabis space continues to evolve and has now become a multi-billion-dollar industry. Cannabis Group Co-Chair Priya Sopori shares insights regarding the ins and outs of navigating through a diverse and fast-growing sector. The below listed questions were originally produced and published by the L.A. Times B2B Publishing Team. The...

Is the Grass Greener? Weighing the Risks and Rewards of Celebrity Branding in the Cannabis Industry – The 2022 Cannalaw Summit: Part 2
Episode 18In Part 2 of a two-part series, The Grass is Always Greenberg features another excerpt from the 2022 Cannalaw Summit: Weighing the Risks and Rewards of Celebrity Branding in the Cannabis Industry. Priya Sopori and Alexa Steinberg discuss, as panelists, the future of cannabis marketing, Will the new frontier...

Is the Grass Greener? Weighing the Risks and Rewards of Celebrity Branding in the Cannabis Industry – The 2022 Cannalaw Summit: Part 1
Episode 17The Grass is Always Greenberg alters its format for a special two-part series covering the 2022 Cannalaw Summit: Weighing the Risks and Rewards of Celebrity Branding in the Cannabis Industry. Greenberg Glusker’s Priya Sopori and Alexa Steinberg were featured speakers at the event, attended by over 100 cannabis industry...

Lower Taxes, More Problems? Unpacking the Impact of AB195 on California’s Cannabis Industry
Episode 16California has finally enacted a law, AB195, that provides tax relief for cannabis distributers. But what might seem at first glance to be a win for the cannabis industry potentially complicates things for retailers and consumers. On this edition of The Grass is Always Greenberg, Greenberg Glusker attorneys Priya...

Proposition 65 – Changes That Will Impact the Cannabis Sector
Episode 15The Grass is Always Greenberg welcomes Greenberg Glusker Environmental Law Partner, Sedina Banks, to discuss changes to California’s Proposition 65, officially known as the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986. Sedina shares her views with colleagues Priya Sopori, Michelle Mabugat, Alexa Steinberg and Steven Stein on...

A Path Toward Legalizing Interstate Cannabis Sales? Analyzing California Senate Bill 1326
Episode 14Cannabis remains illegal federally and in many states. The states that have legalized cannabis have a confusing patchwork of rules and regulations. As such, crossing state lines can create major problems in the cannabis space. California Senate Bill No. 1326 proposes to help address this issue by allowing licensed...

Four Takeaways for 4/20
Episode 134/20 is considered a national holiday for cannabis. It has become a big business day for the cannabis industry and a day to mark how far the cannabis sector has come. This edition of “The Grass is Always Greenberg” celebrates the occasion with four updates on significant regulations and...

It’s Lit? Insight into the Increase in Cannabis-Related Litigation in California
Episode 12In this edition of “The Grass is Always Greenberg,” Greenberg Glusker’s Alexa Steinberg and Steve Stein discuss the latest trends in cannabis litigation and how cannabis cases often have special considerations. Steve also shares what he learned at the Cannabis Industry Civil Litigation and ADR conference put on by...

With Provisional Cannabis Licenses Ending in California, March 31 Deadline Has Applicants Scrambling
This article was originally published on L.A. Cannabis News Newcomers to California’s booming cannabis industry will soon be facing much higher barriers to entry, and those looking to get in now are up against a ticking clock. Why? California is sunsetting its Provisional cannabis license program in an effort...

Overview of California’s New Proposed Cannabis Regulations
Episode 11California’s Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) has set forth proposals aimed at simplifying and streamlining regulations to refine and strengthen the Golden State’s cannabis framework. In this edition of “The Grass is Always Greenberg,” Greenberg Glusker’s Alexa Steinberg, Michelle Mabugat and Steve Stein discuss the proposed regulations and what...

Super Bowl Shuffle? Why You Didn’t See Cannabis Ads during the Big Game
Episode 10Why can sports gambling sites, beer and alcohol brands and crypto companies advertise during the Super Bowl when cannabis companies cannot? Greenberg Glusker’s Steve Stein, Alexa Steinberg and Priya Sopori, in this edition of “The Grass is Always Greenberg,” look at one cannabis company’s attempt to generate a discussion...

Insert Your Prediction for 2022 Here
Episode 92022 marks the 5-year anniversary of recreational legality in California, but the Golden State is still trying to figure out how to regulate the market and play catch up with the industry. In our inaugural episode of the year, “The Grass is Always Greenberg” looks at what we can...

Mississippi’s Burning Issue
Episode 8Does the punishment fit the crime? That is the burning issue in a Mississippi case that “The Grass is Always Greenberg” examines in depth. Greenberg Glusker’s Michelle Mabugat, Priya Sopori, Alexa Steinberg and Steven Stein discuss the matter of a 36-year old black man convicted of possessing slightly over...

Celebrity Endorsements: Priya Sopori Discusses Legal Landscape with Blunt Business Podcast
Cannabis Group Co-Chair Priya Sopori was a guest on the Blunt Business podcast with Jorge Hermia on Cannabis Radio. Celebrity endorsements are a popular marketing tool for brands seeking to gain wide attention from targeted consumers in a relatively short period of time. Within federally regulated industries, these endorsement...

Eastward Bound: Cannabis Market Trends, Taxation, and More
Episode 7The Cannabis industry is expanding all over the country, especially towards the east coast where more and more states are legalizing its use. In this edition of “The Grass is Always Greenberg,” Mike Goral, National Cannabis and Hemp Tax Partner in Charge at Armanino LLP joins Greenberg Glusker’s Michelle...
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