Employment Considerations: How Buyers and Sellers Can Better Prepare to Avoid People Liability in M&A

June 23, 2021 at 12:00pm1:30pm (EST)

Join Employment Partner, Karina Sterman, as she moderates the Primerus Employment Seminar titled "Employment Considerations: How Buyers and Sellers Can Better Prepare to Avoid People Liability in M&A" on June 23, 2021, at 12:00 pm EST. 

People are not what comes to mind when you read “M&A”. But poor employment practices, bad management, toxic culture, or even just ordinary issues can be hidden liabilities left undiscovered in the traditional due diligence process. How can buyers avoid later liability for employment issues, and what can sellers do to prepare for a deal, and make themselves more attractive to offers?

Following the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to further discuss thoughts, questions and reactions in small breakout sessions.