Zero to Hero: Use of CLRRA to Facilitate Complex Brownfield Projects | California Land Recycling Conference 2023
Environmental Chair, Pete Nyquist, will present at the California Land Recycling Conference (CALRC) on September 27, 2023. Greenberg Glusker is also proud to sponsor this event.
Session Description
The former 12-acre Zero Corporation Site in the heart of Burbank and within the San Fernando Valley Superfund Site sat idle since 1991. Historic operations included fabrication and metal coating that resulted in significant impacts from chlorinated solvents and hexavalent chromium. New ownership successfully utilized the CLRRA program to obtain an approved Response Plan with prescribed remedial and mitigation measures, paving the way for multi-jurisdictional approvals of a mixed-use project with 573 residential units, a 307-room hotel, and ground floor retail space. The panelists will provide a focused overview of CLRRA's benefits for complex brownfield projects, and key elements of the successful redevelopment of 777 Front Street in Burbank.
About the Conference
The conference will take place September 26 - 28, 2023, at the Carson Event Center in Carson, CA. The event features practitioners and communities on timely and trending land reuse topics; cultivate new relationships and connections to support your redevelopment practice; and discover how California communities and beyond have progressed in their land reuse initiatives.