Kevin Sher

Fax 310-201-4449

Partner Kevin Sher Featured in Real Estate Outlook Roundtable

October 2, 2023Article
Los Angeles Times B2B Publishing

Real Estate Partner, Kevin Sher, shared his thoughts and insights about what’s next for L.A.’s resilient real estate sector. Below are excerpts from the L.A. Times B2B Publishing feature:

Q: What has been the most notable change in real estate in the last decade, and how has it impacted your work?

The rapid growth of e-commerce companies has reshaped the commercial real estate landscape, decimating traditional brick-and-mortar retail, while creating an industrial real estate development boom that has completely transformed areas like the Inland Empire. Even during the pandemic when other real estate sectors were at a standstill, the activity of the industrial real estate market, with my e-commerce clients seeking to expand and fill in gaps in their distribution networks, has kept me and my colleagues at Greenberg Glusker consistently busy. And now, with brick-and-mortar transforming to complete that last-mile stretch of bringing e-commerce goods to consumers, there are budding opportunities for cross-pollination of industrial with retail.

*This roundtable was originally published in the Los Angeles Times and can be accessed here.
