Laura Zwicker, Chair of Private Client Services, Named to THR's Power Lawyers: Troubleshooters List

September 22, 2023Press Release
The Hollywood Reporter

For the second year in a row, Private Client Services Chair Laura Zwicker was named to The Hollywood Reporter's Power Lawyers: Troubleshooters, an elite list of "25 attorneys the entertainment elite have on speed dial for death, divorce, and other disasters."

Zwicker’s clients are mostly entrepreneurs in entertainment and tech, many of whom lead increasingly global lives. “We’re seeing the world shrinking,” she says, adding that dealing with immigration and international tax matters is “certainly not a press-the-button type of practice.” She also says wealthy clients are being more intentional with philanthropy. “I’m seeing clients giving in ways that are more targeted and involved,” Zwicker says, “trying to use what they’ve earned to solve a problem that they’re committed to.”
