Finding Funding for Environmentally Impacted Sites
July 25, 2023 – Media MentionEnvironmental Partner, Brian Moskal, was interviewed by Wendy Nystrom, host of Environmental Social Justice. Brian discussed the State Water Resources Control Board’s Site Cleanup Subaccount Program (SCAP) and how he advises clients on the process.
Good morning everybody, and welcome to another episode of Environmental Social Justice. I'm your host, Wendy Nystrom, and today's special guest is actually a very good friend of mine, Brian Moskal. He is an attorney with Greenberg Glusker.
So, the SCAP (State Water Resources Control Board’s Site Cleanup Subaccount Program) was passed legislatively by the state of California a few years ago, and what it essentially does is it puts aside a pot of money for folks to investigate and clean up environmentally impacted property if they are unable to pay for those costs themselves.