Top 7 Firms in leading in the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
August 4, 2017 – Media MentionWhile many may still be trying to figure out what AR and VR stand for, some lawyers and law firms are out ahead of the trend integrating it into their firm's practice or launching their own practice. They range from the former in-house counsel at Oculus who launched his own firm after brokering the $2 billion sale of the VR headset company to Facebook, to a woman whose experience patenting sex toys led to the launch of an online clearinghouse for patents on VR technology.
Also among these lawyers are two very high-tech personal injury attorneys, a couple oflarge firms and a boutique. The specialties of the attorneys are as varied as the needs of the start-ups in the VR space, who are seeking investment capital, strategic advice, patents on hardware and software, content development, copyrights and protection from liability, among other things.
Most in the market predict AR will lead the way because it's easier to create, experience and market, and Madison A.venue is delivering it to us. Maybe you've seen the Pepsi commercial that shows people at a London bus stop being narrowly missed by a rocket shell, tracked by a tiger, snatched by a tentacled monster and visited by aliens? That's AR. That smart phones will provide the entry point for most consumers is another reason AR has a head start, observers predict.