Representing Everyone, Everywhere, All at Once: Entertainment Industry Conflicts and How to Navigate Them
Entertainment Partner, Sally James, will be a panelist on the topic of "Representing Everyone, Everywhere, All at Once: Entertainment Industry Conflicts and How to Navigate Them" for the 47th Annual UCLA Entertainment Symposium on June 7, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
This panel will provide guidance to attorneys in the entertainment industry to comply with their obligations pursuant to the California Rules of Professional Conduct, including advice when an attorney is faced with representing two or more clients on a deal, when clients’ interests are ostensibly aligned but become adverse, and the pitfalls of representing various clients in repeated transactions with the same party. It will offer advice on how to avoid stepping over the line and when it may be time to withdraw. Finally, it will look at what happens and explore what to do if faced with a malpractice suit or disciplinary proceedings in this area.
UCLA School of Law is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider. By attending this session, you may earn Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit in the amount of up to 1 hour of general credit and 1 hour of legal ethics credit.