Sedina L. Banks

Fax 310-553-0687

The GREENing of Greenberg Glusker

In honor of Earth Day, we thought we’d share some of the steps that Greenberg Glusker has taken to be more green.

Last year, Greenberg Glusker completed its office remodel in true green fashion. We recycled and reused materials from the old office design whenever possible, which resulted in using recycled or reused materials for nearly 95 percent of the remodel. We also used bamboo, one of the approved sustainable materials in green design, throughout the new office. We used recycled materials for the carpeting and the modular furniture, and used sustainable products for some of the fabrics used in the furniture and wall covering. To conserve energy, we installed motion sensors in all of the office spaces so that the lights turn off when the rooms are not occupied. Appliances in the kitchens and lounge areas are 5 Star rated for energy efficiency. Finally, to conserve water we installed low-flush toilets.

In addition to the office remodel, we have implemented green practices in our day-to-day operations. For example, we are moving towards paperless workflows and use recycled paper for the paper we do use. We have eliminated the use of most disposable kitchenware including changing from paper cups in our conference rooms to glass or ceramic cups. We have also eliminated the use of all bottled water in favor of filtered water.

To encourage green practices outside of the work place, the firm reimburses employees who carpool or take public transportation to work. The firm also has a shower for employees to use who bike to work. The firm was one of the first law firm members of the United States Green Building Council. Finally, for the past three years, the Climate Action Reserve, and its affiliated California Climate Action Registry, awarded Greenberg Glusker the recognition of “Climate Action Leader.”

Hopefully by Earth Day 2012 the firm will have taken even more steps toward the greening of Greenberg Glusker.