Douglas E. Mirell

Fax 310-201-4447

Doug Mirell Recognized by Thomson Reuters as a Stand-Out Lawyer 2024

February 21, 2024Press Release
Thomson Reuters

Greenberg Glusker is pleased to announce that Litigation Partner Doug Mirell has been named as a Stand-out Lawyer by Thomson Reuters.

Those recognized are noted for their ability to improve client satisfaction, increase client advocacy, grow share of wallet, strengthen brands, enhance people engagement, and increase profits per partner.

Thomson Reuters’ Stand-out Lawyers database features more than 18,000 client-nominated, stand-out lawyers in private practice. All study participants are independently nominated by their client(s) as stand-out lawyers during the Sharplegal global survey. There is no law firm involvement in the survey population or nomination process.

Doug attributes his success to frequent communication with his clients. He believes that every client deserves to be informed by their legal counsel at all times. “At every stage of a matter, I want my clients to know not only what’s going on, but also what that means in the long term; they should understand the ramifications of each particular action.” He says that remaining in touch—whether by email, phone, text message, videoconference, or in-person—improves the attorney/client relationship and forestalls miscommunication or misunderstanding down the road.