High Court’s Superfund Case Poised for Wide-Ranging Consequences
February 23, 2021 – Media MentionEnvironmental partner, Noah Perch-Ahern, was recently quoted in Bloomberg Law regarding the U.S. Supreme Court's upcoming decision in a Superfund cost recovery case. Guam is seeking more than $160 million from the U.S. for clean-up costs associated with a toxic waste dump created in the 1940s by the United States Navy. In an email, Noah stated, “The case highlights the potential pitfalls when settling major environmental cases."
"The Supreme Court’s decision could provide clarity on whether non-Superfund settlements, like the Clean Water Act deal here, can start the clock on Superfund contribution claims."
“Practitioners need to be hypercautious when settling cleanup actions to avoid unforeseen outcomes.”
Read the full article here.