Generative AI: How to Avoid Infringement and Assert Rights in Output

May 11, 2023 at 11:00am12:00pm (EDT)

Intellectual Property Counsel Peter Jackson will co-present on the topic of "Generative AI: How to Avoid Infringement and Assert Rights in Output" for Association of Corporate Counsel's International Legal Network, a committee sponsored by International Society of Primerus Law Firms.


Tools like DALL-E and ChatGPT can create art for your movie or write your screenplay, retailers can leverage AI to write product copy and weed out inauthentic customer reviews, and Microsoft thinks Bing can dethrone Google Search by incorporating GPT-3. Crafty drafting will be essential to navigate thorny licensing issues and unpredictable risks. AI tools have crossed the uncanny valley, and the applications are myriad, for good and for ill. Today, many businesses fear deploying outputs from these tools. Mapping the tech to legal concepts offers a framework for embracing these tools safely. Avoiding infringement is easier than the prevailing mood suggests. Why? We’ll explain with lots of visuals, including live use of a generative tool with audience prompts. Asserting exclusive rights over outputs is more complex. But smart implementations avoid many rights issues, as real-world examples can show.
