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Changes to COVID Isolation Requirements

For several years, California’s COVID isolation guidelines have played a key role in “stopping the spread” in the workplace by requiring contagious employees to isolate at home. As of March 13, 2023, the California Department of Public Health has revised those guidelines. In alignment with CDC Recommendations for Isolation and Precautions for People with COVID-19, CDPH guidelines have been adjusted based on severity of an individual’s COVID-19 symptoms. Notably:

  • Employees can leave isolation after five days if they are feeling well, symptoms improved, and are fever-free for 24 hours. 
  • While employees still must wear a mask for a total of 10 days, that requirement is lifted under the new guidelines if the individual tests negative in two sequential tests which are one day apart.
  • All other recommendations related to quarantine of individuals who have been exposed remain unchanged, along with the recommendation for individuals with COVID-19 symptoms to stay home and test immediately.​

As a reminder, these guidelines are incorporated into the Cal/OSHA regulations. You can find more information in the CDPH Isolation and Quarantine section of the recently updated COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Standards Frequently Asked Questions.

The Los Angeles Department of Public Health website states that it will also be updating its information to conform to California’s new guidelines.

We encourage you to reach out to a member of our Employment Law Group with any questions or concerns:

Categories: Coronavirus